The Work Continues

September 24, 2024

It’s time for another update! Actually, it’s way past time. Not sure how time slipped away. I have been busy, but when your part in the running of the school slacks off, it is easy to forget that it is still there. Specially when you have no children there.

We had our pulled pork supper fundraiser at the beginning of September. many thanks to those who helped, either by supplying and donating food and supplies, doing the actual work, and coming to the supper. We would be in big trouble without the support of everyone! we had more people this year, which led to some behind the scenes crises at the last moment, but we made it through. Hoping to make changes to make it even better next year.

The main goal of the fundraiser was to help get the roof completed at the school. We have about half the money we need. When you are so close, it seems like it should be easy to finish up. If anyone can help out, please let us know.

The other “important” project, the playground, is trying to get finished. After weeks of no rain, the very week we planned to get it all installed, it rains! Maybe we should have tried earlier. We were going to have a work evening this past Monday, but the ground was too wet. We have another work evening planned for this Thursday, we will see how it goes. At least the temperature is getting more suited for outdoor work.

Work is just about finished on the resource room. New cupboards have been installed, the room painted, carpet installed, all that remains is to get the heating / AC installed. We are waiting for some back ordered parts to get that done. It looks really nice at this point. Again, many thanks to the cupboard donors, it has been a huge help with the school.

We have also been working on the room next to the resource room. We don’t have the bathrooms finished that go between yet, but the cupboards have also been replaced in that room, and some stored items moved to other areas. Storing things has always been an issue, since public schools of this vintage seem to have been built without storage in mind. I always wonder if they just didn’t think about it, or if it was a money issue. We are considering carving out some storage room in various rooms that are bigger than we actually need. Not sure what that will look like yet. There is a room in the basement that will likely be used for storage when we take possession of that area.

The gym has been completely lined with carpet and padding now. We want to avoid any more injuries from children hitting the walls, as they are inclined to do when they are having fun! The lights in the gym are also on motion sensors, as are a few others. It’s hard for an old guy to get used to!

As a special prayer request, our board chairman will be having heart surgery in the next few days, if scheduling works out. Please be in prayer that it would be able to be fixed by the simpler of two options they have, and that his recovery would be quick.

We would also appreciate prayers every day for the school and all involved in it. Students, teachers, board members, parents, and anyone helping needs special wisdom and patience and understanding to work together for the good of the school. Everyone involved has had to carve out time from the lives they were leading two years ago, in order to make it happen. That can sometimes lead to feeling a bit stressed. The devil would like to use that to cause trouble for the school, but we have faith that, since it is clear that the schools was God’s idea, it won’t happen if we let Him help us in everything. You can help us as well by praying every day.

We have added a new teacher this year, Aaron Wagler, brother to Bruce, who is our high school teacher and principal. I’m sure he would also appreciate your prayers as he adjusts to life in Indiana. Bruce and his wife have purchased a home in our area, so remember them as they get settled in.

As always, if you want to help with a financial donation to help with finishing the new roof, or any of our construction projects, you can go on our website,, there is a Donate button there, or you can contact us for more information. If you would like to make a totally anonymous donation, there is a button on our website to go through the Anabaptist Financial group. You can direct them to send your donation to us, and your identity remains private. Thanks in advance for your support!

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If you would like to make a donation to help us renovate our school, click the donate button below. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!