Category: Uncategorized

  • 20240818 123507

    The Work Continues

    September 24, 2024
    It's time for another update! Actually, it's way past time. Not sure how time slipped away. I have been busy,…
  • 20240722 094935

    Summer Work Projects Update

    July 22, 2024
    Time for an update post on the many things going on at the school. Several organized work days have already…
  • 20240602 124047

    Summer School Work

    June 3, 2024
    Time for another post! Actually, past time, but between school being out and me being very busy, it just slips…
  • 20240317 135702

    Summer Plans

    April 22, 2024
    It's here! No, I'm not talking about spring, I'm referring to the end of school. One one hand, it's hard…
  • 20240218 140508

    It’s About That Time Again

    February 28, 2024
    Greetings everyone! I thought it was time I get another post up here. Although sometimes at this point it can…
  • 20231228 110416

    Teacher Bio – Marissa Stauffer

    February 12, 2024
    Sorry this blog post has been a bit late. We have been busy with the illness and passing of my…
  • 20231228 110416

    Back To School

    January 9, 2024
    Greetings! Hope everyone's holidays went well. I'm sure the children enjoyed the time off, but I did see some signs…
  • 20231208 205835

    School dedication service.

    December 22, 2023
    The date has been set for the Union Center Christian School dedication service. The new date is January 7th, at…
  • 20231111 093618

    We’re Covered!

    December 5, 2023
    Greetings from "winter"! If anyone has been waiting on the next post, sorry, I am a bit late. Life has…
  • 20231022 125226

    Routine Adventures

    November 15, 2023
    Greetings, everyone! Winter has arrived, or at least sent an RSVP. Going from nearly 80 one week to wind chills…