
The Work Continues

September 24, 2024

It's time for another update! Actually, it's way past time. Not sure how time slipped away. I have been busy, but when your part in the running of the school slacks off, it is easy to forget that it is still there. Specially when you have no children there. We had our pulled pork supper…

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Summer Work Projects Update

July 22, 2024

Time for an update post on the many things going on at the school. Several organized work days have already been held, but we need several more to get things done. Many hands will make for not only light work, but getting things done. Before I go on about work projects, I want let you…

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Summer School Work

June 3, 2024

Time for another post! Actually, past time, but between school being out and me being very busy, it just slips my mind sometimes. I actually haven't been at the school in probably a month, which is something I never thought I would say. My wife, however, is in the middle of curriculum inventory and ordering.…

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Summer Plans

April 22, 2024

It's here! No, I'm not talking about spring, I'm referring to the end of school. One one hand, it's hard to believe the year is over, but in some ways it seems like a very long journey. I'm sure it depends on your point of view and your spot in the very large group that…

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It’s About That Time Again

February 28, 2024

Greetings everyone! I thought it was time I get another post up here. Although sometimes at this point it can be a challenge to find something to write about, I do want to keep you informed about what is going on. It was much easier when there were big construction projects and a lot of…

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Teacher Bio – Marissa Stauffer

February 12, 2024

Sorry this blog post has been a bit late. We have been busy with the illness and passing of my mother, who was almost 92 years old. She was able to live by herself, with our watchful eyes on her, until just the last several weeks. So things have been a little busy and I…

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Back To School

January 9, 2024

Greetings! Hope everyone's holidays went well. I'm sure the children enjoyed the time off, but I did see some signs that they also missed their teachers, which is good to know. We seem to be heading into a stretch where getting the children to school might be a bit more of a challenge, with the…

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School dedication service.

December 22, 2023

The date has been set for the Union Center Christian School dedication service. The new date is January 7th, at 6 PM. We are planning on several speakers. Join us for the service, tour the school, and meet the teachers.

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We’re Covered!

December 5, 2023

Greetings from "winter"! If anyone has been waiting on the next post, sorry, I am a bit late. Life has gotten in the way. We just brought an elderly parent home again after a few days in the hospital, and for now, they need a lot of supervision. Living right across the yard makes it…

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Routine Adventures

November 15, 2023

Greetings, everyone! Winter has arrived, or at least sent an RSVP. Going from nearly 80 one week to wind chills in the 20's and snow next, is perhaps a bit much. Things are flowing along nicely at the school. Students and teachers and parents are getting used to each other and getting used to the…

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Special Notice!

November 3, 2023

There is a mini fundraiser planned for November 18th. We will be providing lunch for the Holiday Stop & Shop craft sale at the RMYC building. Check our upcoming events tab on this website for more details. All proceeds from the lunch and snacks will go to the school, and there will also be a…


Getting The Playground Home

October 28, 2023

How's everyone doing? Are you getting ready for leaf raking and winterizing your yard? It's coming soon! The school children will soon be wearing coats for recess, also. And they will also be enjoying their new playground equipment, no matter how cold it is! We located a playground set in Michigan earlier this year at…

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Settling In To A Routine

October 9, 2023

Greetings from Union Center Christian School! Hope you are enjoying these early fall days as much as I am. One benefit of cooler days is when we have to work in the south wing of the school. It is actually pretty comfortable in there right now. I can still remember when it was just too…

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Two Weeks In

September 25, 2023

Greetings! Hope everyone made it through these last hot days of September. I do think summer is on the way out now, at least I hope so. I do like those clear, deep blue skies of fall. A few of us are still having mixed feelings about the shift from building to running the school.…

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The First Day Of School

September 11, 2023

How's everyone doing after that last, hopefully, hot week of summer? As you have probably guessed, school has started. I am actually writing this in the afternoon of the first day. Although I have been out of school 46 years, and glad of it, this was one day I actually wanted to be there when…


This Is It!

August 28, 2023

Greetings! As I write this, there are only 3 days left until the first day of school. I hate to bring you late news, but that's kind of how this works, I can't write too much about things that haven't happened yet. The teachers are all here, the rooms are just about completed, and I…


Just A Few Days Left!

August 18, 2023

It's getting exciting now! We have been concentrating on school opening now, since the fundraiser is over. Nice to have that behind us. Those of us on the funding committee are basically new to being in charge, although some of us have been on other, much larger funding groups, and we are still learning. We…

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Getting Closer!

August 9, 2023

How's everyone doing? With the fundraiser, I got a bit behind on my blogs. Although my last post was about the fundraiser because I wanted to get you the results of that quickly, this post has a few things that happened before and some after the fundraiser. Hope that isn't too confusing! We now have…


Fundraiser Report

August 2, 2023

Good morning folks! I am writing this the day after our fundraiser and yes, I am still tired. Of course, the early morning storms didn't help. When the cold front finally came through at 2 AM, I heard a very unusual thunder clap, so I got up to see if a tree had blown over,…

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Curriculum & Supplies

July 24, 2023

Greetings! The date for the first day of school is getting closer! And now to reveal what I alluded to last time, we now have all our teachers! God provided in plenty of time for all of them to be available for their educational seminars and training. Of course, I wouldn't want to have a…


Working High, Working Low

July 14, 2023

Greetings again! By now, most of you will have had some rain to help your fields and gardens, although I do miss the low humidity of the drought! I had a notion to call this post the Geezer Chronicles, but decided not to. More about that in a minute. Even at this late date, God…


Books, Books, Books!

July 7, 2023

We are getting closer! Just a few weeks from now, the children will be at their desks, nervous about what their new teacher will be like. At the same time, they don't realize the teacher is just as apprehensive about what the students will be like! And many parents will be glad the school is…


Working Up Top

June 30, 2023

Greetings from the "getting closer but still a ways to go" Union Center Christian School renovation project. Kind of a big title but accurate. It seems that the more we get done, the more jobs pop up, although as we knock off the bigger ones, what remains is just a whole bunch of smaller stuff.…


Progress Update

June 23, 2023

Greetings again from Union Center Christian School. So how does everyone like this dry summer so far? It has been good for working, I guess. Although it seems like summer is just starting, the guys on the committee to get the school finished by August are feeling the pressure. I think many of them will…


Catching Up On Projects

June 16, 2023

Last time I told you about the books being removed from the school. They are still gone, by the way! If you haven't already figured it out, by the time you read these posts, they are about a month old. Not sure how that is working out, I may try to make them a bit…


New Windows

June 9, 2023

If you drive by our school, you will see that most of the windows in the north wing have been replaced. We have several more smaller ones yet to do. We are waiting to do the south wing for a while yet, as we aren’t planning to use it right away, unless God has other…

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Books & Crayons

June 2, 2023

Although I probably mentioned it before, over the years, an empty building of this size attracts a lot of items that “need” to be stored. Some short term, others long term, still more that are of the “let’s put it here for now and let the next guy throw it out” variety. We have plenty…

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Look Up!

May 27, 2023

Greetings! We are still hard at it, having a work day every other Saturday, in addition to other work being done all week, when someone has the time. Recently, a large whiteboard chart was made of absolutely every task, from large to very small, for every room, that has to be done to actually call…

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Ice Cream Social

May 20, 2023

Hope you are all enjoying warmer weather by now! I say this because I’m actually writing this about a month before you get to read it for the first time. I don’t like deadlines, so I work ahead. Great for me, but it does kind of keep you behind. Maybe most of you reading this…

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Changing Colors

May 13, 2023

Greetings! Today we will take a look at the painting that has been going on at the school. Although there weren’t a lot of surfaces without paint, it was almost all dirty, or chipped, and most of all, totally the wrong color! It is amazing what some people think a good color was. Not only…

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Every Little Bit Helps

May 6, 2023

Hello again! Hope this finds you all well. Things are moving along with our school project. So much so that I may be posting more frequently sometimes. I am already a couple months behind and sometimes I am tempted to just talk about random things that happen while they are fresh in my mind, but…

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Basement Tour

April 29, 2023

Last time we did a tour of the upstairs rooms. Today we will take a look at the basement. In addition to classrooms, there are more multi-purpose rooms there. Besides outside access to the basement, there is an inner stairs in the south wing that goes down to the basement. It seems that in years…


Let’s Tour The Building.

April 15, 2023

I just realized that I have never really posted photos of some of the areas of the school. There is a lot of building here, and the possibilities make your head spin sometimes. It certainly was a blessing to get this place. Of course, nothing is perfect, there is a lot of work to do…


Moving Dirt Around

April 1, 2023

It’s getting perilously close to springtime, and working outside. We all like to see things green up, and those of us with early flowers have already noticed touches of green here and there. My surprise lilies have been trying to come up for a couple weeks, but the cold spells tend to slow them a…


More Cleaning Stories

March 18, 2023

Now that we have reached the end of winter, spring is upon us, which means summer is coming, and fall not far behind. This seems like I am getting ahead of things a bit, but there is so much to do at the school yet that fall will be here before we know it. I…

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All In God’s Time

March 11, 2023

Have you ever thought you had a plan of action all laid out, and then you got some new information that totally scrambled your whole idea? Well, that’s where I am right now. I just received a whole set of photos of the school project, in various stages, which gives me a lot of new…

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Cleaning Out

March 4, 2023

Hopefully you are all rested up from reading the last post about everything we are planning to do before school opens next fall! The list seems big when you read it all at once, but we have already done a lot of the work you are reading about here. But there is plenty left to…


There’s Something For All To Do

February 25, 2023

As promised, in this post I will go into more details about what we found at the school building and what we need to do to get ready to open. I can’t repeat too often how God was also at work in the timing of many things, including the building purchase. There is a local…



February 24, 2023

Our Read-A-Thon is not just a fun event, but also a fundraiser to support our new school. As we prepare for the upcoming school term, there is still much work to be done, and with work comes expenses. Additionally, we don’t have books for our library yet, and the funds raised from this event will…

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A New Beginning

February 18, 2023

Welcome to the blog for the new Union Center Christian School. Our plan for this blog is to keep you informed of our progress as we work on getting the old Union Center public school building ready for its new life as a school again. Ever since we purchased the building and word got out…
