A New Beginning

February 18, 2023

Welcome to the blog for the new Union Center Christian School. Our plan for this blog is to keep you informed of our progress as we work on getting the old Union Center public school building ready for its new life as a school again. Ever since we purchased the building and word got out of our plans for the building, you can definitely feel the interest and excitement in the local community. Hopefully we can post something every week or so for now, although later it might stretch to every couple weeks.

It would probably be good to go back a bit closer to the beginning. About a year ago, we became aware that there was a need to make some decisions about future schooling for many of the children at our church. Although it is sad that the culture has gone so far from the truth that the public school system is no longer a comfortable option for many people, I guess you can look at it as a blessing that there are so many options in our area for a better school experience. The demand is enough that space is becoming an issue.

After much discussion and even more prayer, we felt led to see if we could start a school of our own. Even saying those words is a bit scary, but we knew that if God wanted it to happen, it would work out. It has been exciting and humbling to see the working of God so far in this project. Not only were we prompted to call about this building at just the right time, but we were able to purchase all the desks and chairs we will need for quite a while, at pennies on the dollar, before we had a building! The story of Peter stepping out of the boat and walking on the water has come to mind a few time, for sure.

And the miracles just don’t stop. Lots of little things, to numerous to mention or remember, but every little thing just confirms that we are doing what God wants us to do. Sometimes it’s easy to look at all we have to do before school starts next fall and wonder how it will get done, and maybe most worrying, how it will be paid for. But that’s looking at the waves, like Peter did. And that’s how he got wet feet! Pray that we could keep our eyes up and our feet dry.

Next time I will go into a bit more detail on what all needs to be done to get the building ready for opening. If you want to help us with a donation, there is an area on the website that explains how you can donate.

I have included a few photos of how the building looked at the start of the project.

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If you would like to make a donation to help us renovate our school, click the donate button below. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!