Welcome to the Union Center Christian School Website
Our first school year is history! Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is now open. Check our blog posts for the latest on what we are up to.
To learn more about our project and our goals, visit the About Us section below.
If you are interested in having your children attend our school, please contact us. See our Student Info section for enrollment and eligibility information, as well as our student handbook.
If you would like to send us a donation to help with our renovations, visit the Donate section below.
Latest Updates
The Work Continues
September 24, 2024
It's time for another update! Actually, it's way past time. Not sure how time slipped away. I have been busy, but when your part in the running of the school slacks off, it is easy to forget that it is still there. Specially when you have no children there. We had our pulled pork supper…
Read More >>Summer Work Projects Update
July 22, 2024
Time for an update post on the many things going on at the school. Several organized work days have already been held, but we need several more to get things done. Many hands will make for not only light work, but getting things done. Before I go on about work projects, I want let you…
Read More >>About Us
Salem Mennonite Church is a 150 member country church, located in Elkhart County, Indiana for over 130 years. In 2022, we felt led to pursue the possibility of starting our own K-12 Christian school. Through a series of miraculously timed events, God made it possible for us to purchase a local building, northeast of Nappanee, that was once Union Center public school. It has been used for numerous things since closing, and presently houses a small church.
At this point, we are finished with the 2023-24 school year. Although the building has 12 classrooms, we are only using 6 right now. We need to install new windows, heating/AC, lighting, and flooring in the rest of our classrooms, and we also still need to install a new roof over these rooms. The roof over the rooms we are using this year has been finished. We are now doing some remodeling of additional rooms for the 2024-25 school year, so we can definitely use your financial aid. You can find out how to help us elsewhere on this website.
Our goal for this school is to not only provide a great learning environment for our own children, but to open the enrollment to other local church parents who share our concerns about what is being taught in the public schools today, along with the harmful influences of a society in turmoil, and the stresses and distractions of going to school with hundreds of students. We feel that providing children with a solid educational curriculum that also acknowledges the importance of believing in God and the Bible is the best way to create adults that will be assets not only to their church, but the community as a whole.
Student Info
Although school is now out for the year, we are always happy to provide you with information about our school.
To enroll for the 2025-26 school year, click “Enroll” in the main menu.
Thank you for your support and prayers for the school year.
If you would like to make a donation to help us renovate our school, you can click one of the links below. You can use PayPal or the Anabaptist Foundation, if you wish to remain anonymous. If you need a receipt, please contact us. If you have any questions, you can email our school treasurer at unioncenterchristianschool@gmail.com. Although we have now replaced as much of the roof as we had funds for, there is still half to be done. We are also continuing our renovations in the south hall, to make sure we are ready for an increase in students.